Etymology: Middle English wageour pledge, bet, from Anglo-French wageure, from wager
Date: 14th century
1 a : something (as a sum of money) risked on an uncertain event : stake
b : something on which bets are laid : gamble
2 archiac : an act of giving a pledge to take and abide by the result of some action
Things to Know
All works - except the most current Wager - have sold.
1. Posts happen on Thursdays - 2 to 3 times a month.
2. If you would like to bid on the work; please email me.
3. Bids are accepted in the form of 2 currencies: dollars and euros (depending on where you live).
4. Bidding is open until the next posting is posted. This could be up to 3 weeks depending on the next post.
5. Once you have been notified that your bid has been accepted as the winning bid - the payment + the shipping cost can be made via Paypal or direct deposit.